The Egadi butterfly
Favignana is the largest, most populated and perhaps most famous of the three islands that make up the Egadi archipelago. It has an elongated shape, slightly narrower in the center, which justifies its nickname “butterfly.”
The climate is made almost always mild by a cool, light wind, Zephyrus, also known as Favonius, to which we owe the island’s current name, which the Greeks called Aegusa instead.
In the mid-19th century, it assumed increasing importance in the area’s economic landscape thanks to the Florio family, which planted a large tuna fishery there, capable of carrying out spectacular mattanza seasons that were for many years, a major tourist attraction.
The beautiful Art Nouveau mansion owned by the family dominates the area near the harbor.
Splendid waters, small inlets and seabed with indescribable colors. As the name of one of the island’s most beautiful corners, Cala Rossa, reminds us, in its waters the Battle of the Egadi was fought in 241 B.C.
At the top of the mountain, 304 meters above sea level, you will notice the Castle of St. Catherine, built in Norman times by King Roger.