Mazara del Vallo

Located in the southern part of our province, the city of Mazara del Vallo owes much of its fortune to its geographical location, so close to Africa, and to the Mazaro River, whose mouth creates a natural and well-protected canal port, which has always been used for commercial traffic. It is precisely the canal port that is in fact the hub of the City ‘s life, whose economy is essentially based on the presence of a large fleet of fishing boats and substantial fish production. All this, in addition to making the city one of the most significant Italian centers for deep-sea fishing, also makes it a multiethnic center in which different peoples and cultures have been able to find the way, unfortunately not always taken for granted, of peaceful coexistence. To the west of Mazara, there is the protected area of Capo Feto and, to the east of the city, the Integral Nature Reserve of Lake Preola and Gorghi Tondi.
