Paceco: Red Garlic of Nubia

In Nubia, a small district of Paceco,Red Garlic is grown.
Its pronounced flavor is of fundamental use in Sicilian cuisine.

How to recognize it-The bulbs, of different sizes, are covered with pinkish-white outer tunics contrasting with the deep red inner tunics from which it gets its name.

It is harvested in June. It can be found commercially in different forms: whole bulbs, powdered, in wedges, preserved in jars or tubes.

Garlic braids – You are likely to find it for sale in large “braids“: in fact, tradition dictates that the bulbs are braided by hand and thus preserved.

High quality and uniqueness make it an excellent product. Also known for its health properties, it lowers, in a natural way, blood pressure values.
Don’t miss pasta with Trapani-style pesto, here called pasta cull’àgghia.
