Segesta: the theater

At the close of the 3rd cent. b. C., the inhabitants of Segesta built their theater on the highest peak of Mount Barbaro, on a site, behind the agora, that was already the site of a place of worship many centuries earlier.

Facing north, toward the Gulf of Castellammare, the Segesta theater takes advantage of the splendid panorama of the sea and hills as far as the eye can see as a backdrop.

The Theater was built in the late 3rd century B.C. according to the dictates of Greek-Hellenistic architecture, with blocks of local limestone. It differs from the typical structure of Greek theaters in that the cavea does not rest directly on the rock but was specially built and is supported by retaining walls.
It consists of two entrances, slightly offset from the main axis of the building, and can hold about 4,000 people.

The cavea – The cavea is the place where spectators sat and still sit.
That of the theater at Segesta is 63 m in diameter and is divided in two by a central corridor, the diazoma.
This resulted in two sections: one lower and one higher up.
The first had 21 rows of seats divided by 6 ladders into 7 small wedges of varying sizes, the kerkides.
The second, on the other hand, was equipped with seats with backrests. However, only a few traces remain of the steps of the summa cavea .

Recent research has also shown the existence of a staircase sector higher up, between the two entrances, which was partially reused in the Muslim necropolis (first half of the 12th century).

To the west, the Theater is lined with a paved road that leads to a natural cave, in which a sacred spring is located. Used during the Bronze Age, it was later incorporated into the cavea’s retaining wall.

The orchestra – Semicircular in shape, it is where the chorus moves. At Segesta it has a diameter of 18.4 m. Entry is allowed through two openings, the parodoi, located on either side of the semicircle, orthogonally to the central axis.
As in the theater at Syracuse, the theater at Segesta has underground corridors that were used for the passage of actors.

The scene – Unfortunately, not much remains: a few rows of blocks are what we can still see of a two-story building in the Doric and Ionic styles. Two advanced side bodies are decorated with satyrs in high relief.

Performances in the ancient theater of Segesta

Every summer, it is possible to relivethe ancient magic of the theater of Segesta thanks to the performances that take place there.
On the stage, established and up-and-coming actors, classical and modern plays, ancient dramas, dance performances, opera, operettas and musicals interspersed with performances of various kinds.

Times and prices vary depending on the type of performance.
A shuttle service is set up to the top of the mountain, where the Theater is located.

Box office tel: 0924 953013
