Nautical Tourism
The Egadi Islands Marine Protected Area (MPA), with an area of 53,992 hectares, is the largest marine reserve in the Mediterranean. Located opposite the northwestern coast of Sicily, it surrounds the Egadi archipelago, including the islands of Favignana, Levanzo and Marettimo and the islets of Formica and Maraone. Established in 1991, since 2001 it has been managed, on behalf of the Ministry of the Environment, by the Municipality of Favignana. It is an area of very high value from a naturalistic point of view: the MPA includes the largest and best-preserved Posidonia oceanica meadow in the Mediterranean (about 7,700 hectares). Posidonia, an internationally protected habitat, is considered the lungs of the Mediterranean and plays a crucial role in the balance of the marine ecosystem: in addition to producing oxygen and absorbing CO2, it helps mitigate coastal erosion through the formation of banquettes, structures produced by the beaching of dead leaves by storm surges; it also hosts the juveniles of hundreds of species of organisms, constituting a true underwater nursery. Coralligenous and pre-coralligenous environments abound on the seabed, as do Vermetid sidewalks, delicate environments created by cementing the shells of the mollusk Dendropoma petraeum, in association with calcareous algae, forming formations at the water’s edge along the coast. Submerged and semi-submerged caves are numerous.
The Egadi Islands, thanks to this great diversity of habitats, are an area of very high biodiversity: among the protected animal species, the presence of the very rare monk seal, a symbolic species of the Mediterranean that was already thought to be extinct in Italy, has recently been documented; also present are the sea turtle Caretta caretta, various species of cetaceans (bottlenose dolphins, stenellas and sperm whales), several species of sharks and an important colony of the Storm Bird, a seabird endemic to the Mediterranean. The fish fauna is rich and varied. We mention, among the most famous species, brown grouper, bottom grouper, corvina, shad, sparids, including snapper and pharaoh bream, and amberjack.
There are 76 scuba diving sites in the MPA, superficial (but with exceptionally valuable presences), or deep, in caves, or on underwater archaeological sites (the Egadi Islands were the scene of the famous naval battle between the Romans and the Carthaginians, in an area located northwest of Levanzo). Very popular are snorkeling and guided sea-watching. Many underwater itineraries in the marine protected area are described in detail on the website
The Marine Protected Area is divided into four zones (A, B, C and D) at different levels of protection and with different access possibilities and limitations in usability. It is absolutely advisable to find out about the rules first; for information and applications for permits for activities to be exercised within the MPA:,,; the MPA is also on Facebook.

The Marine Protected Area is a member of Federparchi, of the MedPan network, is twinned with the Monterey Bay Marine Sanctuary (California, USA) and constantly works in synergy with major Italian environmental associations (Legambiente, WWF, Greenpeace, Marevivo, Lega Navale Italiana, CTS), as well as with local entities (Gulliver Sailing School, Sercia Museum of Malacology). Approximately 10 staff members work for the MPA on a permanent basis, rising to 40-45 during the summer, almost all of them young graduates from the island community or from the coast opposite. The managing body has in recent years initiated a process of management, monitoring and control of the area based on the participation and sharing of local stakeholders. The institutional missions of the MPA are the protection and enhancement of the marine environment, environmental education, user awareness and information, research and monitoring, integrated management of the coastal strip, and promotion of sustainable development, with particular reference to eco-friendly tourism.
The main projects and activities carried out by the MPA include:the MASTER project, for the placement of anti-trawling and repopulating “bollards,” to reduce the impact of illegal trawling under the coast that damages the seabed and depletes fish resources; implemented in Favignana and Levanzo, it has produced exceptional results (-50% abuse). Phase II of the project, relating to Levanzo and Marettimo, is currently underway; the establishment of 14 mooring fields on the 3 islands, for a total of 150 buoys, active during the summer season, to prevent damage to the seabed by the anchors of recreational boats, while guaranteeing stopping in the most beautiful coves; the eco-label for the environmental certification of tourist services (accommodation, catering, boat, car, motorcycle and bicycle rental, guided sea tours, passenger transport on land and at sea, fishing tourism, diving, bathing establishments, mooring services), carried out with the scientific support of ENEA, to which 70 operators in the area have already adhered; the protected species monitoring project “Vedette del mare,” with the involvement of local fishermen; the establishment of the Foca Monaca Observatory in the Punta Troia Castle in Marettimo, used as a visitor center and a place for the study and stay of researchers engaged in monitoring the species; the setting up of a First Aid Center for Sea Turtles in Favignana, managed in collaboration with WWF Italy and Legambiente; the “Jellyrisk” project for monitoring and mitigating jellyfish proliferation along Mediterranean coastal areas, with the placement of 3 experimental anti-jellyfish nets;
the MPA’s guide service on the motorboats carrying passengers and cruises around the islands; the “Marettimo Blue Mile,” a protected lane, 1852 meters long, for free swimming and swimtrekking; and the promotion of responsible tourism and environmentally sustainable sports, such as sailing, windsurfing, kayaking, swimtrekking, cycling, trekking, climbing, and triathlon.
For info
Ports in the province of Trapani
Port of Trapani
Port information and background
Geographical location: Lat. 38° 00’36” N – Long. 12° 29’49” E
Maritime Authority: Harbour Master’s Office 0923 28900
Always a strategic point in the Mediterranean, the port of Trapani underwent the various populations that dominated it, such as the Phoenicians, Carthaginians, Greeks, Romans, and Arabs, gradually transforming until it found a moment of great splendor with the Normans of King Roger II, who granted duty-free access for vessels of all nations. Its area extended for one kilometer within land, but it shrank by about 30 hectares due to the formation of salt pans in the inner part. From 1885 to 1908 wharves, piers and docks were built, but these were destroyed by the war and later rebuilt.
Today the port of Trapani consists of an outpost, a merchant port, a fishing port, and a tourist landing in front of Viale Regina Elena protected by a 275-meter breakwater. The harbor is shaped like a bag with an E-W direction, has a length of about 2,000 mt and a width ranging from 225 to 450 mt with an availability of about 200 berths; it consists of nine docks (Garibaldi, Dogana, Marinella, Submarines, Isolella N, Isolella W, Isolella S, Ronciglio, Ronciglio Levante), two piers ( del Ronciglio, Sanità) and a maritime station located on the Sanità pier.
The city is exposed to winds from Sirocco to Maestro. In winter those from the fourth and second quadrants predominate, especially the west winds. In summer, winds from the first quadrant predominate.
There are two floating docks, numerous slipways and machine shops, a company capable of performing any maintenance work, suitable divers, a port company that discharges loading and unloading operations, gasoline and diesel fuel dispensers on the Marinella dock, water supply on the Isolella dock, and also pilotage, towing, salvage, anti-pollution, and mooring services.
Port of Mazara del Vallo
Port information and background
Geographical location: Lat. 37° 40’00” N – Long. 12° 34’30” E
Maritime Authority: Harbour Master’s Office 0923 946388
From the earliest times, and especially from the Phoenicians onward, the natural basin created by the mouth of the Mazaro River has been an important reference point for trade in the Mediterranean. Around 600 B.C., the Greeks also began to use it as a commercial “Emporium.” Even under Roman rule it continued to perform the same functions. Excavations at the turn of the century unearthed two submerged piers dating from this period. But it was mainly thanks to the Arabs that the port of Mazara gained importance as one of the main ports on the island. From then on it became a hub of active trade between Sicily, Africa and Spain.Between the 1800s and 1900s the large fishing fleet began to form, which today consists of as many as 4330 vessels, including large and small boats. The port’s activity and the trade it engages in are today the driving force behind the city’s economic life.
Mazara harbor is divided into three basins: channel port, fishing port, and dock. The first two have depths of -6 m except for an area designated as “Secca Balata,” marked by two buoys, which has a depth of -1.5 m. Boats entering the channel harbor should leave it on their left, those leaving on their right.
The entrance to the harbor is protected by a breakwater and two piers to the east and west. Beware, in the vicinity of the seawall and the eastern pier, of the “Secca Palamito.”
During the summer, prevailing winds of sirocco. During winter those of libeccio and ponente that make entry into the harbor more difficult.
There are several shipyards for the construction of medium-ton hulls and numerous machine shops equipped for all kinds of repairs to hulls and engines.
Bunkering is done by tanker trucks from the local Coastal Depot.
Water supply for small vessels, a direct connection to water intakes is available along the docks at C.te Caito Pier for vessels over 500 GRT. By tanker truck at the new port.
There are no fuel dispensers along the docks. However, it is possible to refuel at distributors located in the vicinity of the harbor.
There are power outlets, drinking water dispensers and telephones on the quay.There are no slipways for pleasure boats.
Port of Castellammare del Golfo
Port information and background
Geographical location: Lat. 30° 02’N – Long. 12° 53’E
Maritime Authority: Beach Delegation
The port of Castellammare has been known since the fifth century B.C. when it represented theEmporium, the commercial port of call, of the flourishing Elymian city of Segesta. From here, the Elymians maintained trade relations with foreign ships, and the Egestan emporium became one of the most important fortified stations in the northern basin of Sicily. This, however, followed the fate of Segesta and several times became involved first in the perennial war between it and the enemy Selinunte and then in that between the Romans and Carthaginians. The Arabs, with the construction of a tuna fishery, made it an active commercial center. Even in later eras, and especially between the 1600s and 1800s, sea trade was the main route of the city’s growth and development.
The port of Castellammare is located in the center of the gulf of the same name, halfway between the ports of Trapani and Palermo. To the east, the Castello Pier is internally docked and equipped with mooring rings. To the west are the North Pier and the adjacent 130-m-long quay. On the west bank are a number of floating docks for pleasure boats.
Between the two piers lies the shoreline, which is beach or rocky. The seabed is good in the center where it reaches 7 m and modest at the east quay, where therefore only boats with a draft of no more than one meter can moor. The Castello Pier is docked and equipped with mooring rings internally but externally it is unapproachable due to dangerous rocks.
Fishing and pleasure boats dock at the south-facing quay, which is equipped with bollards and has depths of 3-4 meters. The docks designated for fishing are 2 lit by street lamps. The marina, equipped with 11 piers, has more than 500 berths available.
A slipway with 10 m of waterfront allows small boats to be hauled dry.
There are water supply outlets, electricity outlets, fuel dispensers, mooring and bunkering services.
Port of Bonagia – Valderice
Port information and background
Geographical location: Lat. 38° 04’N – Long. 12° 35’E
Maritime authority: beach delegation
The small port of Bonagia lies just 5 m NE of Trapani, in the western part of the gulf of the same name. It consists of a small, unbanked breakwater that juts out to the west for 60 m and a shore quay, about 60 m long, south of which there is a slipway for boats.
The depths do not exceed 1.5 m and therefore only allow small boats to enter the marina. The stretch of water, which is 10,500 square meters in size, is open to winds from the fourth quadrant.
There are shore facilities for embarking and disembarking and a slipway 350 m from the harbor for small boats.
Port of San Vito lo Capo
Port information and background
Geographical location: Lat. 38° 11’N – Long. 12° 44′ E
Maritime Authority: Beach Delegation
The port of S. Vito Lo Capo is situated in a sandy, semicircular bay enclosed between Cape S. Vito and Punta di Solanto. It is formed by a 430 m. elbowed, east-facing and quayed breakwater and a 180 m. NE-facing and quayed sub-billow pier in the last 80 m. Branching off from the North Pier in a SE direction is another pier 90 m long and banked to the SW. It is also an excellent shelter for large pleasure boats.
The seabed, of sand and seaweed, reaches 8 m.
The main winds are levant and grecale.
In the summertime it is heavily frequented by pleasure boats.
The marina has 400 berths available on 6 piers. And it also offers light, water and night watch services.
Lighting and water intakes, equipment for embarkation and disembarkation operations, slipway, bunkering and repairs.
Port of Marsala
Port information and background
Geographical location: Lat. 37° 41’N – Long. 12° 25′ E
Maritime Authority: Maritime District Office 0923 951184
After the destruction of the Punic outpost of Mothia, the inhabitants settled on the opposite promontory of Lylibeo and from here resumed their economic activities. The city was, from its beginnings, an important trading center whose strategic position in the Mediterranean made it an object of contention between Carthaginians and Romans until the latter prevailed with victory at the Battle of the Egadi in 241 B.C. Decayed with the empire and devastated by the Vandals, it enjoyed renewed interest from the Arabs, who appreciated its location and characteristics so much that they renamed the city the “port of Alì” ( Marsa Alì hence the present name). A further commercial boost followed the interest of the British in the area’s wine vocation, making the port of Marsala the starting point for intense commercial activity. On May 11, 1860 in the port of Marsala, among the many British ships, the ships of Garibaldi and the Thousand could also be seen.
Marsala harbor is bounded by two curvilinear piers. Its mouth is 200 m wide.
The eastern pier is 460 m long, but only 50 m are docked and small ships can be alongside it.
The marina has an availability of 150 boats and a maximum depth of 4 m. About 5.5 miles to the north, a buoy marks the limit of safe waters.
There are three shipyards, two engine repair shops, and two slipways for fishing boats and motorsailers up to 50 tons.
Water supply is possible, during daylight hours only, from both the Piazzale dei Mille and the Via dei Mille docks.
Two fuel dispensers are located on the Via dei Mille dock and on the east side of the Piazzale dei Mille.
Port of Favignana – Egadi Islands
Port information and background
Geographical location: Lat. 37° 56′ N – Long. 12° 19′ E
Maritime Authority: Beach Delegation 0923 92273
The harbor of Favignana lies in the center of the NE-facing coastline in the circular inlet of Cala Principale, which juts out between Punta S. Nicolaand Punta Faraglione. At the eastern end, a pier, banked on the inside, stretches out in a NW direction for 110 m. : ferries dock there. A smaller one, Molo S. Bernardo, starts at the root of the previous one and stretches 85 m. in a southerly direction. There is also a 110-m pier that starts from the center of the shore and Main Cove and extends for 110 m.
To the east of the St. Leonard Pier, there is a well sheltered dock. The harbor is frequented by fishing boats, pleasure boats, tuna boats, ferries, and scheduled hydrofoils. There are 100 berths available, 30 of which are for transit.
Circolo Nautico Favignana (tel: 0923 922422) has 60 berths available.
The seabed reaches 7 m. The seabed is made up of sand, rocks and seaweed. Coastal development is 1,800 m. of which 450 are docked. Access into the harbor is continuous. Attention must be paid to winds from the NNW and NNE.
During the tuna fishing period between late April and June, pay close attention to the tuna trap markings near the Marina Square body of water.
There are slipways and an unequipped slipway in the marina area.
Mooring, bunkering, repair, tourist services, maritime agents, rescue and salvage services are available.
Port of Levanzo – Egadi Islands
Port information and background
Geographical location: Lat. 37° 59′ N – Long. 12° 20′ E
Maritime authority: beach delegation
The port of Levanzo opens on the southern coast of the island.
It is carved out of a cove: the Cala Dogana. It consists of an 80 m elbow pier, a small adjacent shore quay and a hydrofoil quay. Between the pier and the latter, the coastal stretch overlooked by the settlement is mostly rocky, except for a small beach formed in the innermost part on which boats are hauled ashore.
The harbor is frequented by small fishing boats, hydrofoils, and small craft, which find excellent shelter here from northerly winds. Access into the harbor becomes dangerous in libeccio and scirocco winds.
There are about 15 berths available.
The rocky and sandy seabed reaches up to 6 m.
The port of Levanzo lacks facilities and services. There are facilities for embarkation and disembarkation, pilotage, and rescue and salvage.
Port of Marettimo – Egadi Islands
Port information and background
Geographical location: Lat. 37° 58′ N – Long. 12° 04′ E
Maritime Authority: Beach Delegation
The island of Marettimo has two small marinas.
The old slipway is located at the northern end of the village. It is a partly rocky and partly beach cove, protected to the east by a 100 m. pier, oriented NNW and banked on the inside. The cove has a limited seabed, about 3 m., and has numerous rocky outcrops in the center and below the shoreline. The old slipway provides an excellent shelter from second and third quadrant winds and seas for small boats. It has about 20 berths available, 10 of which are for transit. Attention must be paid to the presence of shoals and outcropping rocks upon entering the port basin on the starboard side: between Punta Mugnone and Cala Bianca there are shoals with minimum depths of 3 m.
The prevailing winds are tramontana and grecale.
The new slipway is larger and is located at the southern end of the town. It consists of a 230-m-long, SE-facing, docked pier with a large adjacent clearing, also docked. Internally there is a floating dock for pleasure boats. Hydrofoils and ferries dock here. The seabed reaches 5 m but care must be taken with the shallows on the left. About 60 berths are available.
Prevailing winds blow from the south, east, and southeast.
Equipment for embarking and disembarking, slipways, piloting, mooring, rescue and salvage.
Port of Pantelleria
Port information and background
Geographical location: Lat. 36° 47’N – Long. 12° 59′ E
Maritime Authority: Local Maritime Office 0923 911027
It was the Phoenicians who built the first major port here, at the place where it still stands today. Later dominations, however, favored the agricultural character of the island to the detriment of maritime activities. The strong and frequent winds that can make landing on the island difficult explain the appellation Daughter of the Wind that the Arabs gave it.
During the Fascist era it received special attention because of its important location and was fortified. But, because of this, it suffered heavy bombing during World War II. The construction of the new port has not yet been completed.
The port of Pantelleria consists of two basins and its seabed reaches 6 m. deep.
The old port is located in the area in front of the town and is bounded by the Pier at Levante and the Nasi Pier. Internally, there are three docks: Customs, Castle and Borgo Italia.
Commercial operations take place there and pleasure boats and small fishing boats can stop there. It has 50 berths available, 10 of which are reserved for transit.
The docks measure 1,120 ml and, of these, 285 are operational.
Beware of the ruins of the Carthaginian Pier, in the center of the old harbor, as the line of boulders outcropping and aligned for NE-SW are not marked and hinder navigation. Access is possible only during daylight hours and it is necessary to pass at least 10 m. from the head of the Pier to the east
The New Harbor is located in the area opposite Punta Croce. It is bounded by the Nasi Pier and the Cidonio Pier. M/Vs of the Harbor Master’s Office and Carabinieri, motor fishing boats, pleasure boats and small ships of shipowners stop there. Entry is limited to daylight hours. The quay in the new port is 900 m long and largely operational. The depths range from 3 to7 m. In addition, there are two 50 m floating docks. It has 80 berths available, 10 of which are reserved for transit.
The harbor of Scauri lies in the SW part of the island and has a water surface of 22,500 sq. m. There are 4 sections of quay there, stretching 75 m. that to the S, 55 m. that to the W, 40 m.that to the NW and 75 m. that to the NNW. To the latter, 2 floating docks of 50 m. are anchored.
Anchoring in front of Pantelleria is difficult in westerly and Greek winds. You can anchor a short distance from the breakwater ( new harbor). The bottom, sand and rocks, clearly visible in calm seas, is a good tenor.
The white-lightning lighthouse is located on St. Leonard’s Point, north of the village. It has a range of 15 m.
At the root of the Nasi Pier is a shipyard for the construction and repair of small wooden boats. A local firm handles thehauling of units up to 20 tons by means of rubber-tired cranes. A second and a third slipway are located in the New Port and Scauri Harbor, respectively.
Bunkering, at Nasi Pier, is done by tanker truck for both ships and motor vessels.
A short distance from the same, gas stations are available for recreational boats by the can.