Mac Museum of contemporary art civic museum named after Luduvico Corrao established in 1980
Is located in Gibellina Nuova “. It houses works by Mario Schifano,Scialoja and Rotella, Corpora and Corona, Afro Basaldella, Beuys and Consagra, Accardi, Isgrò, Sanfilippo, Fontana, Guttuso, and Pirandello, to name a few of the biggest and best known. Present in this museum are about 2,000 valuable pieces created by hundreds of artists, including paintings, graphics, sculptures and sketches.
Gibellina Nuova, arose after the Belice earthquake of 1968 in an area that, as the crow flies, is about 11 km from the previous one. The old center, destroyed by the earthquake,
For the reconstruction of the town, former town mayor Ludovico Corrao had theenlightened idea of “humanizing” the area by calling to Gibellina several world-renowned artists such as Pietro Consagra and Alberto Burri; the latter refused to place one of his works in the new urban context that was being built and created a “Grande Cretto” in the old Gibellina, in memory of the earthquake that destroyed it.