Levanzo: the cave of the Genovese
The Genovese Cave on Levanzo holds a treasure of inestimable historical and artistic value.
Inside the cave, a hidden ravine more than 8 meters wide has walls covered with graffiti and cave paintings.
In the lowest part are graffiti. These date from the final phase of the Upper Paleolithic and depict mainly animals, especially horses, cattle and deer. There are few human figures. The subjects are depicted in profile, with a single stroke, in a strongly naturalistic style.
In the upper part of the wall, on the other hand, are paintings dating back to the final phase of the Neolithic period. They depict threadlike, stylized bodies in black. They also include a tuna and a dolphin-the earliest known representations of fish in Europe.
Pottery and flint knives have been found in the same cave.
It is possible to visit the Genovese Cave throughout the year. It is located about 5 km from the town. The opening gives onto a small balcony overlooking the sea.
It is possible to visit the cave by contacting the guide and booking in advance: in this way you can reach the cave by off-road vehicle, together with the guide.
During the summer period it can be reached by boat, combining the visit with a tour of the island.
For guided tours of the Cave: 0923 924032