Our Lady of Relief

Castellammare del Golfo on August 19-20-21 celebrates Our Lady of Relief, patron saint of the town.

One of the most significant events involves the reenactment of a historic naval battle between the English and the Spanish, which took place in 1718 in the very stretch of water in front of Castellammare’s shoreline.
Tradition says that the English had managed to break down the Spanish defenses and land on the beach.
The frightened inhabitants then invoked Our Lady’s help..
This appeared to the British soldiers dressed in white and surrounded by a host of angels, prompting them to flee.
Hence the appellation of Our Lady of Relief.

Characters in period costumes, fireworks and special sound effects make it possible to retrace historical events by simulating the sea battle and the burning of the castle.
This is then followed by the apparition of Our Lady from the top of the hill.

After the British flee the city, the festive people accompany their Savior in a procession through the streets of the town to the beach where each fisherman boards his boat for a sea procession.
The atmosphere created by the fireworks display is very beautiful.

A shrine is dedicated to Our Lady of Relief.

When: August 19 – 20 – 21
Where: Castellammare del Golfo
